Friday, February 22, 2008

Disciple Evangelism Last Evening - The Ladies

Thursday we needed to split the groups after school because of having two different DE lessons at the same time.  The ladies went with Barrie & Carol Dupree for home cooked dinner, then later Aurora led the group in “What happens when a Christian Sins” to their small group that meets weekly. There were just short of 30 people, mostly first year studentas representing seven countries. The lesson was received with much enthusiasm and discussion and we were impressed that they have received and are applying God’s truths here in England, just as we do in Colorado. The lesson was followed by a student from Scotland giving his powerful testimony of how God had shown him love and grace in his life and had led him to CBC England. It was followed by a half an hour of worship led by two students from Ireland and Hungary on guitar. We left around 10:30 full of the joy of the Lord and blessed immensely by their fellowship with us.

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